Thursday, October 27, 2016

In hours of discouragement, God is our encouragement...

This is such a beautiful poem by Helen Steiner Rice and I have always loved those first two lines, though the whole poem is so powerful:

Sometimes we feel uncertain, 
and unsure of everything,

Afraid to make decisions, 
Dreading what the day will bring,
We keep wishing it were possible 
to dispel all fear and doubt,
and to understand more readily 
just what life is all about,
God has given us the answers 
which too often go unheeded,
but if we search His promises 
we’ll find everything we need
and seek, to lift our faltering spirits 
and renew our courage too,
for there is absolutely nothing too much 
for God to do,
For the Lord is our Salvation 
and our Strength 

in every fight we fight.
Our Redeemer, and Protector, 
our eternal Guiding Light,
He has promised to sustain us, 
He’s our Refuge from all harms,
and underneath this Refuge 
are His Everlasting Arms,
So cast your burdens on Him, 
seek His counsel when distressed,
and go to Him for comfort 
whenever you’re lonely and oppressed,
For God is our encouragement 
in trouble and in trials,
and in suffering and in sorrow 
He will turn our tears to smiles.

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