Monday, September 15, 2008


Dear Friends in Christ,
Today I would like to share with you three encouraging messages about the man in the tombs who met Jesus and had a life-changing experience. One would think that the fact that he, A RAGING LUNATIC, was living in the tombs, CUTTING HIMSELF WITH STONES, meant that there was no hope for him. But he met Jesus, and oh, glory to God, in Jesus there is hope, because no-one is hopeless whose hope is in God. No matter what you are going through today, He is the one who promised that He would be with us, “even until the end of the age!”
Be encouraged today

Stop Cutting Yourself Down!
“He the tombs...cutting himself with stones.” Mk 5:4-5
Discussing his low self-esteem, cartoon character Charlie Brown says, "It goes back to when I first set foot on the stage of life. They looked at me and said, 'He's just not right for the part!'" You may smile, but when you've spent your life engaged in self-flagellation, you know exactly what he means. The man in the tombs spent his days "cutting himself" because he thought he was worthless. And many of us who wear a game face in public spend our days doing the same thing.
Your self-image is second only to your faith in God. It doesn't matter what others think of you, what matters is what you think of yourself - based on what God thinks! Self-esteem has to come from self. That's why it's hard to believe the good things people say about you when you can't see them in yourself. Plus, how you treat others flows directly from your reservoir of personal dignity and self-respect. It's impossible to "Love your neighbour as yourself" (Mt 19:19) when you don't even like yourself. Paul says a man should love his wife like he loves himself (Eph 5:28). But when you detest yourself, how can you love your mate?
The only time any of us even comes close to perfection is on a job application! Stop cutting yourself down! God made you the way you are in order to use you the way He planned. Start complimenting Him on the great job He did. And remember, He loves you unconditionally - and that's the only reason you need for loving yourself!
~ by Bob Gass

“He the...tombs, crying.” Mk 5:5
Jesus didn't cross the Sea of Galilee in a storm just to meet with a disturbed man. There were plenty of those on shore! He did it because, although this man seemed so fierce and tough on the outside, on the inside "he was... crying." He hated who he'd become and the situation he was in. How about you? Are you crying on the inside because of how your life has turned out? Maybe you intended to be a better parent, a more faithful partner, an honest employee or an exemplary leader, but things didn't work out the way you planned and now you're in a mess.
Jesus said, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled"Mt 5:6. Wanting to change is the first step! Thank God Jesus never said, "Blessed are those who are good enough already," or we'd be in big trouble! No, He was talking to those who want to do the right thing; who still believe they can, even if they aren't right now; those who desire to do better.
Remember, it's not what you've done that makes you a candidate for God's forgiveness, it's how you feel about what you've done. God will never condemn you for asking for His help. In fact, deliverance begins with a desire and a willingness to challenge your problem. So what's your heart's cry today? What do you want to change about yourself and your life? Get alone. Reach to God for help. He'll respond with love and forgiveness. He won't disappoint you!
~ by Bob Gass

“If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves.” 1 Jn 1:8
In the New Testament, "A man with an evil spirit...ran to [Jesus] from the graveyard where he had been living...yelling and cutting himself with stones" (Mk 5:2,3 & 5). Why was this man living in a graveyard outside the city, away from everybody who cared about him? Because Satan's strategy is to "divide and conquer," by isolating you from those who care about you. He'll do whatever it takes to convince you to break away. Without a support system he knows he can get the better of you. He'll try to convince you, "you're not like those people; you're better." Or "your situation's unique because of your background; others can't relate because they've never had it this bad." The problem with thinking you're different from everybody else is - concluding that you don't have to abide by the same rules! At that point, Satan’s lies become a license to act and speak in ways that dishonour God and hurt you.
The Bible says, “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves.” By hardening your attitude and whipping out the old “yeah but” card, eventually you become disconnected from the truth. And that’s dangerous, especially when you disengage from those who are willing to speak truth to you and have your best interests at heart. When Satan comes with his “divide and conquer” strategy, refuse to buy it. Stay connected no matter what, by refusing to be separated from God’s people, God’s Word, God’s Spirit, God’s plan and God’s purpose for your life.
~ by Bob Gass

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