Thursday, June 20, 2013

God's special phone number!

Today is Friday – I love Fridays, the doorway to the weekend and freedom! 

My daughter is writing a big exam today – 4 hours! She was feeling quite jittery and I realised an important thing: I had not been praying for her success. So I prayed, I asked God to help her in her exams. I think I forget to pray sometimes. And yet God Himself calls us to be better than that – He says that we do not have because we do not ask.  At the same time, He reassures us, saying “Call unto me, and I will show you great and mighty things, things you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:3). 

Some preachers refer to Jeremiah 33:3 as God’s phone number, that’s pretty cool in my books! Knowing that God is there – just a phone call away! 

Be blessed today!

Dealing with my workaholic issues...

I couldn’t sleep last night – again.  The reason why was I was plagued with thoughts of work.  My mind was racing – I actually realised that I was thinking of the same things over and over again, resolving them and then thinking of them again. One of my colleagues once told me that my problem is that I think about people that are not even thinking about me – in the work context, that is – because I wanted to rush my lunch so that I could get back to the conference room.

It got me thinking as to why – why was I doing this? It all came back to my fear of failure. I have a fear of failure! This is what makes me a workaholic. But what does it matter, even though I am giving my all to my work, working as unto the Lord, as we are encouraged in the bible, Jesus said that “Do not be over-anxious, therefore, about to-morrow, for to-morrow will bring its own cares. Enough for each day are its own troubles” Mt 6:34. 

This does not mean that I have to give up work, or giving my all to what I do.  It means that at the end of each day, as soon as I walk out of that door, I am leaving everything in the hands of the Lord – trusting Him that all will be fine and that tomorrow when I walk in the door, things will still be fine.  He never sleeps or slumbers, so I can trust Him for all of these things!

Halleluia! What a mighty God we serve! I bow down in reverential awe of His splendour and greatness and I pray that you, dear reader, will be able to trust God with all that you do and leave today’s troubles for today.  God has given us a spirit of a sound mind and not of fear (“For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” 2 Tim 1:7).

Be encouraged today!